By Shilpa Jindia and Walid el Houri
During the month of September, North Africa West Asia (NAWA) is calling for submissions and pitches on Libya.
Since the beginning of the Libyan uprising and especially with the military intervention that led to the fall of Gaddafi, Libya has become a ghost haunting any discussion of internationalism in Syria, and as primary evidence of western conspiracies for regime change.
While much is discussed about Syria, very little has been heard from Libyans and Libya outside of the simplified dichotomy that we see in mainstream media.
While indeed part of the story of Syria is located in Libya, the latter’s story is crucial to be told for its own sake.
NAWA seeks to provide a deeper look into Libya by inviting Libyan writers, and readers to submit their thoughts, articles and pitches but also their reading recommendations to us.
Though many foreigners have studied and written on Libya, we aim to bolster the voice and experience of Libyans for this series.
Our focus will be on the call for and the aftermath of intervention. How has the Libyan uprising altered internationalism and what is happening in Libya in the aftermath of the intervention?
You can submit your pitches or texts (50 to 100 words) and / or reading suggestions to
Shilpa Jindia is an independent researcher and consultant based in Washington, D.C. She is a contributing editor at Latterly Magazine and previously served as Co-Editor of openSecurity at openDemocracy. She writes on film and politics, with a focus on violence, security and impunity.
Walid el Houri is a researcher, journalist, and filmmaker living between Berlin and Beirut. He is lead editor of the North Africa West Asia (NAWA) section at openDemocracy, and an affiliated fellow at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry in Berlin. He completed his PhD in Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam. His research deals with protest movements and the question of failure in politics.
Photo: Explosive Remnants of War in post revolution Libya. Picture by United Nations Development Programme / Flickr.