Since the beginning of the year, DDG has taught thousands of children, youth and adults in the Libyan city of Benghazi, which has been ravaged by years of conflict, about the threats of Explosive Remnants of War (ERW).
The promotion of safe behavior around ERW is essential for people that have been displaced due to the conflict as well as people living in the midst of areas contaminated by explosives that have been left behind from the ongoing conflict.
DDG has conducted Risk Education sessions in schools and the University of Benghazi and other locations where Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) reside, reaching a high number of beneficiaries, especially female youth and children.
Risk Education messages were also delivered through billboards that were displayed around the city of Benghazi, reaching approximately 50,000 people indirectly.
‘’I am glad that my team is able to help the people of Benghazi so they can go about their daily lives in a safe manner in the midst of this unrest’’, says Project Manager, Nur Benzabeh.
The ERW contamination level in Benghazi and its surroundings is arguably one of the highest in Libya.
The city of Benghazi has been the focal point of violence and destruction in the country since the beginning of 2011.
IDPs from different conflict affected areas in Benghazi are currently living outside of the city.
More than five years after the fall of the former regime, Libya continues to suffer from political turmoil and armed conflict, which have affected nearly half of the country’s population and forced a massive number of people to leave their homes.
The large presence of ERW in Libya restricts access to basic services and economic opportunities and represents one of the current and major impediments to safety, security, stability and, in due course, recovery and development.
The continuing conflict in the east of the country further complicates the situation as it results in new ERW. There has been an increase in the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) as a weapon of choice in the area, representing an even more treacherous threat to the local population and IDPs.
DDG Risk Education in Libya
DDG was able to follow this project through with the invaluable support of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) United Kingdom and Northern Ireland Government. DDG’s three Risk Education teams, consisting of one woman and one man per team, have reached over 2,000 direct beneficiaries until March 2018.
In addition, FCO together with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) funded DDG’s Mine Awareness Activities in Benghazi. During the event, DDG distributed RE material and conducted sessions with key guest speakers.
The event was a great success and currently DDG is delivering more RE sessions in the East under Sida funds.
Top Photo: Risk Education session in a school in Benghazi.