Libya-Analysis got access to the United-States Integrated Country Strategy for Libya, a 10-page document dated 14 august 2018 describing the objectives of the US Mission to Libya.
The document states that whether based in Tunis or Tripoli, the United-States is committed to the development of a durable Libyan democracy.
Hence the US Mission to Libya is to focus its efforts on support for the UN-led political process as well as on the strengthening of Libya’s justice and security institutions.
The document presents the three mission objectives of the United-States in Libya, which are:
(a) the creation of unified, internationally and nationally recognized authority to govern Libya,
(b) the development of unified national, civilian-led security and justice institutions, and
(c) the development of an improved security, governance and economic environment.
This action plan reaffirms the interest of the US for Libya as a strategic hub and suggests that its involvement in the country is likely to continue.
The Full Document
Integrated Country Strategy – Libya
1. Chief of Mission Priorities
Seven years after the uprising that toppled a repressive, authoritarian regime, the Libyan people face a decisive moment in their country’s democratic transition.
Since July 2014, ongoing political divisions and fighting between armed groups have served as a reminder of the many ways in which Libya’s revolution remains unfinished.
Since the internationally-recognized Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) entered Tripoli in March 2016, it has been a reliable U.S. partner, but lacks the capacity to deliver vital public services to its population and to govern and secure the country’s territory.
One of our key priorities is to support the establishment of a unified, legitimate, democratically elected government.
Our other Chief of Mission Priorities include: promoting political reconciliation, countering terrorism, preventing civil conflict, promoting economic reform and stability, and creating new opportunities for U.S. businesses in Libya.
We should not underestimate the challenges in helping Libya to emerge as a viable democratic state capable of contributing to regional stability and prosperity.
The legacy of a forty-year dictatorship include a dearth of leadership and effective institutions, widespread corruption, and deep regional and tribal divisions. The ensuing vacuum in governance and security created a permissive environment for the Islamic State (ISIS in Libya), Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and other extremist groups to take root.
In 2016 GNA-aligned forces, supported by U.S. airstrikes, drove ISIS from its stronghold in Sirte, but the weakness of the national security and defense structures have created openings for ISIS and other extremist groups to relocate, regroup, and reemerge. Civil conflict is ongoing and rule of law is weak.
In the midst of this chaotic environment, the lack of U.S. Embassy operations in Tripoli challenges our ability to understand and shape the situation on the ground.
In spite of the conditions, with strong U.S. and international support, Libyans are working to rebuild national institutions and successfully complete the transition to a democratic government that is accountable to its people and capable of meeting its international commitments.
In early 2018, Libya’s High National Elections Commission (HNEC), with support from the UN and United States, registered more than 50% of eligible Libyans to vote.
Also with U.S. support, the Constitutional Drafting Assembly produced a draft Constitution for Libya, and Libya’s House of Representatives is currently in the process of adopting a referendum law to give Libyans the opportunity to vote on the constitutional draft.
U.S.-funded polling reflects that Libyan public support is building for a constitution and an end to interim political arrangements.
On the economic side, Libyan oil production and revenues are rising compared to 2016. In 2018 the GNA produced its first consolidated budget since 2014 which takes into account both western and eastern expenditures.
Those we talk to on all sides of the current divide agree that dialogue is the only way forward, and the United States continues to facilitate the economic reforms process through the Economic Dialogue forum and a variety of USAID-led economic stabilization and development projects.
Strategically located at the crossroads of Europe, Africa and the Middle East and endowed with vast natural resources, Libya has the potential to serve as a major hub for trade and investment as well as an economic anchor for Libya’s less affluent neighbors.
A stable, democratic Libyan government will find eager partners in the international community and private sector.
Whether based in Tunis or Tripoli, the U.S. Mission to Libya will continue to be deeply engaged in supporting reconciliation, stabilization, and transition in Libya.
In the near term, we will focus our efforts on support for the UN-led political process, including elections and national reconciliation, while working to strengthen Libya’s justice and security institutions through training, capacity building and technical assistance.
To ensure the long-term durability of Libyan democracy, we are continuing programs to educate the next generation of Libyan civil servants, activists, journalists, and entrepreneurs.
We will also continue to pursue programs to strengthen public financial management and enhance transparency and rule of law.
2. Mission Strategic Framework
Mission Goal 1: Libya is governed by a single, internationally recognized authority capable of representing Libyan citizens and partnering with the international community on common security, economic and political interests.
Mission Objective 1.1: Libya successfully advances its democratic transition with national and local institutions of governance becoming more legitimate and accountable to its citizens.
Mission Objective 1.2: A broadly inclusive political process secures the buy-in of Libya’s diverse stakeholders for key principles to govern Libya’s transition, including the need for transitional justice and national reconciliation.
Mission Objective 1.3: Libyan communities have enhanced ability to address drivers of instability and conflict.
Mission Goal 2: Libya develops unified national, civilian-led security and justice institutions better able to protect civilians, counter terrorism and violent conflict within its own borders, control the flow of irregular migration, and act as a partner in bilateral, regional and international counterterrorism efforts.
Mission Objective 2.1: Libya develops more professional and effective civilian-led security and justice institutions, capable of securing the country’s territory and borders, containing terrorist networks, and maintaining rule of law and human rights.
Mission Objective 2.2: State security institutions regain a monopoly on force as members of militias and other armed groups are gradually and effectively demobilized or integrated into state security structures accountable to civilian authority.
Mission Goal 3: An improved security, governance, and economic environment creates new opportunities for foreign investment, trade and development.
Mission Objective 3.1: Opportunities for licit economic growth and participation increase across Libya
Mission Objective 3.2: Libya’s ability to access, secure and develop its natural resources is improved, resulting in more stable revenues and increased supply to world markets.
Management Objective 1: Mission facilities, infrastructure, and staffing resources support secure diplomatic engagement in Libya and from the Libya External Office in Tunis.
Management Objective 2: Increased service delivery capacity commensurate with growing diplomatic engagement.